Dear friends, if you want to help and to support Saratov Sunday School "Beit-Ohr" please write to the address:
Anetta Sokolinskaya
From all arts for us the most important is …
Leonardo-da-Vinci considered painting to be the most important kind of arts. He convinced his disciples, that with the help of painting it is possible not only to learn the world, but also to improve it.
We are not disciples of the famous medieval artist, but the teachers of art at our school - Andrew Borovsky and Olga Davydova - more than once thought on this question.
At their lessons it is always interesting. For many of us, these lessons are favourite. It is interesting to draw with wax chalks, to paint with gouache, to make fancy hand-made articles - all this due to our teachers.
We cannot imagine an interior of a Sunday school or of any Jewish concert in Saratov without an exhibition of our works. Everybody likes our pictures. But, of course, not everyone knows that without the two persons modestly standing aside, nothing of this would be possible.
And last year the best works by our guys were sent to Moscow, to a Festival of children's creative work dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Israel. As well as the other guys, I worked on pictures for the competition "Children draw Israel", but I could not even think, that I will be as lucky as to visit Moscow for opening of our exhibition! Everybody had remarkable pictures, probably I was simply lucky - it is impossible to say that someone's works are better, than others'.
The exhibition was opened in the Artists' Central House - the largest exhibition centre of our country. In the next halls there were the pictures by modern artists, and well-known Moscow art critics seriously spoke at the opening of our exhibition about children's pictures. The majority of the works were from Saratov - almost one-third of all exhibition. Both the different organisers and critics have highly evaluated them. "It is real children's art," – they said. I have felt as a real artist for the first time. Before I had never thought of it, I simply liked to draw as well as to sing, to dance, to compose verses, to act.