March,17-20 Purim celebration in the School # 550.

From March 17 till March 20 our school engaged in several activities related to Purim Celebration.

On March 17th, students of Hebrew from 7th and 8th grades participated in the game with many workshops. Students were divided into groups. At every worshop groups had to complete specific tasks; solve crosswords on Hebrew and Traditions, remember and perform Israeli songs, make masks and put make up on each other. At the end of the game winners were awarded with prizes.

On March 18th, celebration of Purim was organized for juniors. Dancing Marathon was performed on the stage. Participants of the Dancing Marathon, in their performances, introduced audience to the mixture of cultures among various world nations.

On March 19th, students from 9th grade visited Interior Theatre where they were introduced to the history of the theatre, history of the masks making and rebirth of the "Karnaval" (Parade) in St.Petersburg.

On March 20th, our school organized a ball for the students from 10th and 11th. Students danced minuet, waltz, foxtrot, and participated in various contests. Prizes awaited all winners.
All celebrations ended with Traditional "Oznei Aman".

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