April, 16 "Educational Informatics and Sustainable Development Problems" 23th international conference took part in Saint Petersburg.

School # 550 group of students took part in the work of different conference sections - "Logo-lego Modelling", "Programming", "Web-design", "Multimedia".
For fouth year the School students successfully participated in the conference.
In 2004 among laureates were the School # 550 students and were awarded with:
- diplomas of I degree: Vitaliy Ermin, Ivan Koludarov, Uriy Êunin, Vladimir Voutz, 11 form;
- diplomas of II degree: Sergey Chichin, Valentin Lutzet, Daniil Shulgin, Dmitriy Konasov, Leonid Rozengauz, Galina Peysahovich, Maksim Raygelgauz, 9 form; Olga Ostanina, Ksenya Smirnova, Aleksander Ninburg, Aleksey Zernov, Mark Polyanichko, Sergey Shnitko, Aleksander Zukov, 11 form; Anton Pronoza, 10 form;
- diplomas of III degree: Daniil Shulgin, 9 form; Sveta Sandler, Anastasya Zikova, Darya Rodovanskaya, Marina Moshkova, 11 form.

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