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Mihael Malyshev (St. Petersburg)

Sites about Israel

I promised to tell you today about the sites dedicated to the Holocaust in the countries of Eastern Europe, but I have to apologize - the plans have changed a little bit, and this sad topic will be dealt with next time. Our today's excursion will be about Israel.

There are plenty of sites about Israel. In our past excursions we already mentioned the sites
dedicated to the process of peace settlement in the Middle East and
about Israeli zoos with Torah commentaries (it could be extremely interesting for teachers of Biology, Tradition, Art, for parents – and just to everybody who wants to have some fun).

Also it is possible to find useful tourist information about Jerusalem on the site:

Now let us turn to the sites which haven't yet been mentioned.

I would recommend very much a Russian-language site:
Apart from very brief information on Israel, the site contains a list of links to English-language sites on various topics: maps, hotels, historical information, calendar of events, information concerning: political system and political news; many cities; all colleges and universities; the Russian program Ash-ha-Torah. It is a very conveniently organized site, I advise it very much to everyone, who has decided to go to Israel – no matter what purpose his or her visit has.

It is a site intended for tourists, primarily for Jews from the USA. It gives the information on health resorts, places of the Jewish inheritance, kosher hotels and restaurants, possibilities for single travelers. It is possible to order air tickets and hotel rooms. There is a lot of information about kashrut from the practical point of view (that is where to have a meal). Can be useful.

Next comes a site with similar purpose, and having a Russian version -
It also contains tickets, hotels, restaurants, only there is less information, everything is presented in a kind of advertising style, but this site is oriented at Christian pilgrims.
The English version is oriented at both Christian pilgrims and Jewish tourists:

One more site for tourists –
The content is the same: hotels, hostels, kibbutzes, maps, museums, sacred places of different religions.

Except for the monuments and sacred places, Israel is famous for its high-quality medicine. The following site is for those who are interested in the possibility to get medical service in Israel:

The site dedicated to Israeli sports can also be interesting:
It is possible to find the information both about Makkabi sports society and about different kinds of sports. It also contains a page, dedicated to the assassination of Israeli sportsmen at the Munich Olympics in 1972. One can get to this page in another way:

One very pleasant site is:
This site is dedicated to the basics of Israeli culture: the information on sights, sports, interesting events, what a tourist should see … Also contains a musical page: just enter, select a song and listen. But the repertoire is rather standard ("Aveinu shalom aleikhem", "Yase shalom", "Bashana habaa ", etc…).

And the last one for today will be
It is a very vast and informative site. It has a lot of statistical data (e.g. birth rate), a lot about politics, business, science, industry, agriculture, etc. It is possible to find information about different regions. It is also possible to learn the current Israeli time and the weather in any place of Israel.

In the conclusion I want to inform the reader: a number of link lists mention the following two sites: and Do not waste expensive virtual time: the first site will be for some reason closed for entrance particularly for you (I tried to enter it from two computers, logins and passwords – the answer was the same: " it is forbidden … "), the second loads for a very long time and at last it appears that the site is closed in general - for everybody. So do not waste time.

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