April, 24-26 Students of the School # 550 took part at the International conference "Educational Informatics and Sustainable Development Problems".

On the conference our students were represented in such sections as "Multimedia projects", "Programming", "Web-design", "Logo-Lego". By the rezults of the conference were rewarded with diplomas:

In the "Web-design" section:
 - Kogan Anna (11 form) - diplomas of I degree
 - Kazarian Melina, Teterina Tatiana (10 form) - diplomas of II degree
 - Gornitsky Roman, Krupalnik Konstantin, Tchelovanov Nikolay - diplomas of II degree
 - Mishina Maya (10 form), Krasilnikova Luba (7 form) - dimlomas of III degree

In the "Multimedia projects" section:
 - Borodulina Karina, Klimovskay Daria - diplimas of I degree
 - Krotenko Victoria, Klimenko Tatiana, Shvets Svetlana, Lizinsky Dmitriy, Barkova Anna, Dribinsky Mikhail, Novik Victoria (8 form) - diplomas of II degree

In the "Programming" section:
 - Grushev Mikhail - dimplomas of II degree
 - Pronoza Anton - dimplomas of II degree
 - Fastovsky Aleksander - dimplomas of III degree
 - Gornitsky Roman was rewarded with the laudable diplomas

In the "Logo-Lego" section the group of the 7th form students presented 7 projects, which were rewarded with 4 diplomas of II degree and one of III degree.

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