December, 10 The "Jewish World in Postcards" CD-ROM has become the "CONTENT-2002" laureate. It's the most authoritative competition of multimedia projects in Russia.

The CD-ROM project was realized by the ORT-Gunzburg, Saint Petersburg jointly with Multimedia studio "Mart" and "Petersburg Judaica" Centre with the support of JDC-SPb.
CD-ROM presents the electronic version of the exhibition "Jewish World in Postcards" dedicated to various aspects of Jewish life in Russian in the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.
The All-Russian competition "CONTENT" is carried out every year among hundreds of professional projects, such as CD-ROMs, DVD, Web sites and different kind of multimedia projects, issued in Russia during the year.
ORT took part in this competition twice (in 2001 and 2002) and every time has won the prize places. So in 2001 "St. Petersburg's Jewish Community. Three centuries of history" computer album became the overall winner in the nomination "Guide appliances and albums" of the competition.

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