Report on the seminar held within the framework of
the "TWELVE TRIBES" Project"

The seminar participants

On November 23 - 24, 1997, at the ORT-Gunzburg centre in St.Petersburg, the seminar was held within the "Twelve Tribes"project schedule.

   The seminar was attended by representatives of 12 Jewish schools from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tallinn, Riga, Ekaterinburg, Samara and St.Petersburg Jewish university. Teachers of History, Literature, Mathematics, Information Technologies, Hebrew and Arts - 18 persons all together met to discuss and track the ways to realise objectives of the "Twelve Tribes" project, and to make concrete steps in the specified direction. The seminar participants shared their experience of the mini-projects like "The School Magazine", "The History of Jewish Communities", "The Children Drawing Gallery Dedicated to 50 Years of Israel Independence".

   The seminar participants had lectures and practical studies on the Internet and creation of HTML files. The teachers utilised newly gained knowledge and skills immediately while creating the home-pages of their schools for the Internet, that were placed at ORT-Gunzburg server in the section "Twelve Tribes" Project - list of participants. For the home-pages design, the teachers used materials brought with them from their schools, like articles, photos, drawings designed by the school pupils.